Hamamatsu Driver For Mini-spectrometer Driver


In today’s scientific research, is it not only essential to have an excellent digital camera to obtain optimal results Today, cameras offer an extensive range of features; several readout modes, correction functions, more and more pixels and higher and higher readout speeds. With this growing wealth of functionality, good software becomes increasingly important for your daily work.

HAMAMATSU software

Hamamatsu Driver For Mini-spectrometer Driver Download

Mini-spectrometers are compact and low cost spectrometers (polychromators). We offer over 20 different types of mini-spectrometers covering the spectral range from UV to NIR. The mini-spectrometer is a product that integrates Hamamatsu’s MOEMS (micro-opto-electro-mechanical-systems) technology, which combines optical technology including opto-semiconductor devices and optical systems and MEMS technology, with circuit and software.

  1. HomeSupportDownloadsDrivers3rd Party Instrument DriversHamamatsu Photonics C9404MC: Hamamatsu Photonics C9404MC. Model Specifications: Manufacturer(s): Hamamatsu.
  2. I am trying to to have a Hamamatsu spectrometer, model C12880MA, interface with my LabVIEW code. I contacted LabVIEW and they told me that I needed to use a driver in order to do this but the only current driver LabVIEW has for Hamamatsu spectrometers is not compatible with the model spectrometer I.
  3. Hamamatsu offers software products for use with all DCAM based Hamamatsu cameras, dedicated to life science applications: To standardize camera control and functionality of all Hamamatsu digital cameras. Internal driver modules allow the use of line sensors or X-ray cameras, TDI cameras and analogue cameras with HiPic, too.
DriverHamamatsu driver download

Hamamatsu offers software products for use with all DCAM based Hamamatsu cameras, dedicated to life science applications: HCImage and HoKaWo; for (bio-) physics and industrial use our HiPic software is the optimum choice.

Third party software

Hamamatsu Driver For Mini-spectrometer Driver

As imaging setups become more complex, software has to not only to control a camera, but many other devices such as microscopes, stages and filter wheels… Therefore, software companies have integrated Hamamatsu DCAM based cameras into their software products.

Hamamatsu Driver For Mini-spectrometer Driver Software

We have designed a software API to be used by all Hamamatsu digital cameras; it is named DCAM-API (Digital CAMera Application Programming Interface). The purpose of DCAM-API is:

  • To standardize camera control and functionality of all Hamamatsu digital cameras.
  • To bridge different supported computer interfaces and aspects of their respective software API into one universal set of API functions and implementation rules.
  • To allow for future expandability of the API with limitless and seamless integration of digital cameras and interfaces without the need for re-building the host application to support them.

Hamamatsu Camera Driver

DCAM-API offers a simple yet powerful set of functions to control all the necessary features and data acquisition control functions of our cameras. It provides dynamic detection of camera features and controls. DCAM-API supports LabView, MATLAB, MetaMorph, Micro-Manager, SlideBook, and more.